Book(keeping) Club
Join the club, show up, and get control of your business.
No expensive bookkeepers, no time-sucking courses, no hunting "how-to" videos on YouTube.
Just done and done right.
I'm here to help get you out of this mess
A few weeks into Book(keeping) Club your numbers will be your friend.
They'll be clean, They'll be helpful, They'll be timely.
And they’ll be pointing you towards how to make more money.
Let’s face it - you didn't start your business to become an accountant.
If there’s one thing you’re certain about, it’s this: Bookkeeping sucks.
Yeah, I said it.
You want your numbers straight but ...
You'd rather be finding new clients, crafting new products, or serving your customers.
You have a backlog of client deadlines, sales calls, and other responsibilities that are screaming for attention.
You don’t have time to sit in front of YouTube to research how to make that one transaction work.
You don’t have time to waste worrying about “doing it right” when it comes to your bookkeeping,
but you really hate the loss of control and the expense that comes with hiring a bookkeeper.
And honestly, would you even know where to start if you wanted to hire someone?
It’s not easy to find the time and patience to clean up your books.
I'll help you get your books in order quickly and feel like they're under control.
That Stupid Shoebox
It's lurking in that bottom drawer, full of random receipts and pieces of paper that may or may not have any use to your tax person.
The box has probably grown a full set of teeth by now, and maybe that's why you don't want to touch it.
I don't blame you.
Let me help you get your shoebox sorted in less time than it would take to explain it to your accountant.
And with fewer bite marks.
Members have joined with these goals in mind:
Control of Your Business
"I want to be the one driving my ship" - which is hard to do when you don't know your numbers
Strategies that Work
No more hoping that this "one weird tactic" will be the answer to your prayers
Business Optics
When you can SEE what's really going on, it's a game-changer
Smarter Decisions
And now that you can SEE, your decisions are tactical and informed
Know How Much Cash You Have
Know how much money you really have, so you can be strategic in making it grow
Books are Done Right
Ahhh... it's a real mental relief, especially at tax time
Projections = Reality
No one wants nasty surprise bills or expenses
Pay Yourself without Guilt
Never worry about taking too much out
I created Book(keeping) Club for you - the person who wants a simple way to get the books done, done fast, and done right.
Why not let an experienced business numbers expert lead you through the Wild West of bookkeeping, and show you how to use your financial information to make profitable business decisions? (plus get accountability and answers to all your questions)
You’ll get to leave all your “should-ing” and bookkeeping angst behind as you had dedicated time to complete your bookkeeping without fear of doing it wrong all under the supervision of a pro.
Book(keeping) Club
Here's everything that's included...
1 hour per week of virtual co-working
Small co-working groups capped at 20 participants so that you get personal attention and your questions answered
Loom videos answering your harder, more involved questions
Accountability follow-up - you will be hearing from us if you don’t show up
Meeting reminders with links right before each meeting
Checklists so you know exactly what to work on
Today’s Price = Just $99 for the first month, and $199/month after
I’ve seen the power of having control over your numbers, and how it affects profitability - especially in small businesses.
Our Book(keeping) Club is a dedicated virtual workspace that you pop into once a week, and complete your bookwork under the supervision of a pro - meaning you get your questions answered so you know you’re “doing it right” AND the accountability you need to stop procrastinating.
Book(keeping) Club helps you gain mastery over your own numbers while finishing the work that needs to get done. Not only that, but it's done right and done fast (without hiring an expensive bookkeeper) so you can concentrate on the work that really matters in your business - reaching and serving your clients.
Consider this your Official Invitation to Join Book(keeping) Club
Here's how it works...
Step 1
Open Your Email
We will send you an email with a calendar invite for 1 hour, once a week. Make sure it gets on your calendar.
And that’s it.
From here on out you don’t have to think about your bookkeeping until it’s time.
Step 2
Show Up
All you need to do is show up in our Zoom meeting. You will receive an invitation and reminder email for a link to the weekly Zoom Book(keeping) Club.
Show up, open up your accounting software, and get to work.
Step 3
Ask Your Questions
As questions come up, you can ask them directly or send your Pro a message. She’ll answer your question right there in the group, or move to a private room with you if you prefer.
If your question is highly involved and technical, we’ll even set a private appointment or send a detailed answer via Loom video later in the day.
By the end of the hour, you are caught up on your bookkeeping for the week.
It’s clean.
It’s correct.
And it’s out of your hair.
One little hour a week and you don't have to think about money so you can work on the things that matter.
You don't have to do this alone.
Curiosity and grace are the most valuable characteristics I carry with me. Curiosity allows me to have fun with my clients as we play and discover new ways to catapult their businesses into higher profitability.
But my true secret sauce is Grace. Most clients who come to me feel like they should be ashamed of the state of their accounting, or feel guilty about financial mistakes they’ve made....'cause all we really want is some certainty that we're going to be ok. And the numbers can show you that.
Let me be very clear: I’ve seen everything. I’ve seen fraud, waste, ignorance, bad decisions, and dumb luck just plain run out.
And I helped them get to the other side. They came through and are stronger for it.
Why? Because I’ve been there. I’ve looked at the ashes of my own businesses, thinking I was somehow immune to devastating setbacks simply because of my background.
But I’ve got something for you that no one else does: Killer defensive instincts in business and a ferocious love of the numbers. I show my clients how embracing their numbers can be fun and inspirational.
I owe the profitability of my business completely to my ability to understand my numbers and stay on top of them.
But I know that sounds like pure drudgery for 98% of small business owners out there.
Let’s talk about the elephant in the room: you hate doing your bookkeeping.
I know. I get it. I hate doing mine too (for real!). But...
...behind the doors of Book(keeping) Club, something magical happens.
Our 1 hour together becomes a little island of business owners who say things like:
“I finally feel like a real business owner.”
“I’ve never been caught up and stayed caught up like this before.”
“I didn’t worry about it [money] at all this week because I knew we’d take care of it here.”
Here’s what other business owners are asking.
A: Yes, it definitely helps. Depending on how much cleanup is necessary you can either use the meeting time to hack away at the cleanup, or you can checkout our Over-The-Shoulder service where you get 1-on-1 help to clean up your books fast.
A: Absolutely!
If you want more hand-holding during the setup, a few 1-on-1 over-the-shoulder sessions might help get you launched faster.
But if you're comfortable inside your accounting software, you can use Book(keeping) Club to get moving on setup and have a pro right there to ask questions as you come across them.
A: You'll be getting a text, email or phone call for the sake of accountability - wondering if you're joining the group.
But we understand that all sorts of things pop up. We meet every week and I can help you get caught up the next time around.
A: Book(keeping) Club is for anyone who does their own bookkeeping - or tires but procrastinates, knows enough to get around inside their accounting software, but has a question every now and then.
We have all size of businesses inside the Club - VA's doing their clients' bookwork, we have business owners who have ran their business for a decade, we have fresh new startups that want to start off on the right foot.
A: As long as you have a system/process in place, I can answer your questions about the “how” when it comes to accounting. Go ahead - see if you can trip us up 😉
I'm most familiar with Quickbooks Online, but accounting softwares all follow the same accounting principles and rules even if the functionality is different.
A: About 1 hour, 1x/week.
A: Quickbooks Online has a handy-dandy feature where you can assign accountant users to go in and see your account. When you assign me as an accountant, I can see your QBO account on my second screen while we talk about your question.
A: The meetings work best at the end of a work week, so you can select between Thursdays 9-10 am or Friday 11am-Noon Central.
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
I am deeply committed to small businesses and making sure that accounting is no longer a stumbling block on the way to profitability.
After her first week, one member told me “I finally feel like a real businesswoman.” She had been running her business for over 20 years.
Twenty Years…
I’ve dedicated myself to helping business owners embrace their numbers and use that information to grow their businesses.
I understand that needs shift constantly and you may need to stop your membership before renewal is due. There is no minimum time commitment with your membership, and you can cancel at any time.
We want you to love BKC. If you attend your first BKC meeting and decide it’s not for you, let us know before the next meeting and we will refund your membership, no questions asked.
Book(keeping) Club
Here's everything that's included...
1 hour per week of virtual co-working
Small co-working groups capped at 20 participants so that you get personal attention and your questions answered
Loom videos answering your harder, more involved questions
Accountability follow-up - you will be hearing from us if you don’t show up
Meeting reminders with links right before each meeting
Checklists so you know exactly what to work on