I started going gray
when I was 14…

but that’s not relevant.


Lightbulb moments are my favorite thing.

When my clients finally understand what their numbers mean, it’s like watching one of those videos where colorblind people put on corrective glasses and can see color for the first time.

It’s magical!

Those magical moments have appeared in many parts of my life, and that’s how I know I’m on the path God designed for me. Things that start as devastating disasters turn into something beautiful. It’s these transformations that make me believe all things are possible.

But since I’m from the accounting world, I guess I should talk about my credentials.

I earned my Masters of Professional Accountancy after falling in love with how I could make numbers become tidy within accounting systems. For me, it just clicked. What this lead me to discover was that when I was translating financial information to others, they couldn’t see the picture in my head that the numbers created.

So I needed to find ways to paint that picture for them, and Run by the Numbers was born.

On the personal side, I adore my family, relish the short garden season (get it? “relish”?), and play a lot of bridge.

I’m not as old as my hobbies and hair would make you think.