Get control of your numbers.

So you can be in control of your business.

Gain a deeper understanding of your business finances, without fear.

Ready to tame your numbers? Let’s chat.


“Her guidance has empowered me to feel much more confident in taking control of my business finances”

Get Confident

The term, “know your numbers” can be a frustrating and unhelpful phrase in business, making smart business owners feel out of control.


Even successful, multi-million dollar business owners can feel uncertain and embarrassed, thinking that they should know their business finances better.

But here’s the thing: These business owners are smart, tenacious, and they know their market inside and out. However, they know numbers are their blind spot and this can leave them feeling frustrated and hesitant.

“Know your numbers.” Okay. Sure. No problem.

Which numbers should I be watching? There are so many.

The issue is we are taught from a very young age that math is boring and useless. And there are so many DIFFERENT numbers in business. What do you need to know?

How do you start to understand the financials in order to turn that frustration and hesitation into confidence?

This is at the heart of why I’m not your traditional CFO. I’m not satisfied just explaining the numbers, I want you to have confidence and a deep understanding when it comes to using your data to acquire massive gains in the marketplace.

This is where ambitious entrepreneurs transform into savvy CEO’s.

Number-blind business owners fall into one of these categories:

1. “Tell me what this financial statement says. I don’t care to know the details. I’ll go fix it with sales.”

2. “It drives me nuts that I have this blind spot. I need to know how to understand and use the numbers because I’m responsible for understanding my business.”


It’s a matter of risk-aversion.

What do you need to know internally in order to sleep well at night?

The first category has no problem delegating parts of their business without cultivating their understanding of the numbers. They have a great deal of trust in whoever is assigned the task.

But the second group - they feel a responsibility to their business to protect it and not gloss over the parts they don’t understand. They want to be able to distinguish between an accountant or bookkeeper that is doing their job properly and one that is not. They want to be equipped with the knowledge to weigh their options and make smart hiring choices.


More $$$

Visual Number Mastery unlocks the maze of business

The three most important questions in business are:

  1. Where are we?

  2. Where are we going?

  3. How do we get there?

And that’s where my Run by the Numbers™ system comes in.

#1 and #2 are cut-and-dried in terms of facts. My proprietary Measuring Stix and Sandbox make these easy to see and understand visually so your whole team is on board, and knows exactly what needs to be accomplished.

#3 is where the magic happens. By pinpointing the handful of leading indicators that are unique to your business, you can ask better questions and run precisely the right strategies to accomplish goals faster.

It’s not just about numbers. It’s about all of the things .... I’m a dreamer, I’m a goal person…. And you have a way to link a number to that, and to link several numbers to that.

And to me, that’s the magic part.

Stephanie O, Sioux Falls, SD
